
Rickenbacker bass plan
Rickenbacker bass plan

In most cases, you will need a side chain compressor on your bass track, and your kick track should be assigned to the compressor so that the bass ducks when the kick drum hits the floor. You should also be able to reduce the low frequencies on other instruments that you do not need. If you don’t feel comfortable with your kick, try a different one. It is not necessary to eq notch, sidechain compression, multiband compression, and so on. It is simply that the kick and bass must all be in different frequencies.Ībove/below, there is a dividing line. Another method is to filter both the bass and kick tracks before applying compression to the individual tracks separately.

rickenbacker bass plan

A side chain compressor will be required for the bass track, and your kick track will be assigned to it so that the bass ducks when the kick drum hits the ground. Is gain pumping even necessary? I’m not sure what to say. We’re going to duck, according to Tomasrangel. In my experience, it is best to use mono (whole freq rage), but you can also use a multiband stereo plugin (such as izotope ozone) to achieve just the low frequencies.Įverything will go smoothly if you listen to what you do. If you use WAV or aiff samples, you’re almost certainly going to get mono. It is best to avoid things below 150 hertz when playing mono bass, as well as below mono mono frequency. You should only use a good converter, monitor, and preferably an acoustic instrument in order to hear what you are doing.

rickenbacker bass plan

Keep the bass and kick in mono to avoid phase cancellation.

rickenbacker bass plan

There is no need to compress them together. I’ve never found kick or bass tracks to be perfectly tuned and resonating frequencies are difficult to tame. Multiband compression is also a good idea if you want to control the compression on your bass and kick. What are the pros and cons of compression and kicking together on bass? If you compress your bass and kick it together, you can make it more difficult to glue your low end together.

Rickenbacker bass plan